Getting ready for GDPR – Seminar 8 March 2018

A new one day training course on GDPR 8 March 2018

This course will provide attendees with ‘no-nonsense’, clear guidance on how to ensure that you comply with the law whilst minimising the inconvenience to your business. Compliance need not be difficult but to fail to do so can be very expensive and detrimental to your business.

Topics covered
The BFPA has brought together the necessary expertise, stripped away the all too common ‘scare-mongering’ of many ‘experts’ such as law firms and IT companies to bring you a clear explanation of your obligations and to provide you with a clear action plan for compliance within your business.

Who should attend?
Whether you are in Sales, Marketing, HR, or the MD of your organisation, this is an ideal, cost effective solution to understanding the new GDPR regulations and requires just one day of your valuable time.

Open to both BFPA members and non-members, with BFPA members able to book at a highly reduced rate

Prices (including refreshments and lunch):
BFPA Member Price – £ 175.00 + VAT
Non-Member Price – £ 295.00 + VAT

Time Starting at 10am, ending at around 4pm

Venue HydraForce Limited, 250 Aston Hall Road, Birmingham B6 7FE

To download a copy of the flyer and a booking form Getting_Ready_for_GDPR

If you have any questions, or would prefer to book by phone, please contact Karen Gordon-Brander or Chris Buxton on 01608 647900 or e-mail


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Date: 8 March 2018

Venue: HydraForce Limited, 250 Aston Hall Road, Birmingham B6 7FE

Including refreshments and lunch:
BFPA Member Price – £ 175.00 + VAT p.p.
Non-Member Price – £ 295.00 + VAT p.p.