SMC Pneumatics, Brammer Buck & Hillman and MP Filtri UK win at 2019 MCI Awards

28 May 2019

SMC Pneumatics wins Technical Innovation of the Year at MCI Awards

Congratulations to BFPA member SMC Pneumatics who won the Technical Innovation of the Year Award for its EX600W Integrated Wireless Valve System at the MCI Awards on 22 May. This award was sponsored by Hydraulics and Pneumatics magazine.

Brammer Buck and Hillman wins Environmental / Energy Efficiency Award at MCI Awards

Congratulations also go to BFPDA member Brammer Buck and Hillman for winning the Environmental/Energy Efficiency Award for its Compressed Air System audits at the MCI Awards on 22 May. Bosch Rexroth Ltd sponsored this award.

Other members sponsoring the 2019 MCI awards were: SMC Pneumatics who sponsored the Distributor of the Year Award (which was won by Pennine Pneumatic Services) and BFPA who sponsored the Contribution to Skills and Training Award (won by ABB Drives & Motors Training).

Phil Keep of MP Filtri UK Ltd wins BFPA’s Lifetime Contribution Award

BFPA would also like to congratulate Phil Keep of MP Filtri UK Ltd for winning the BFPA Lifetime Achievement Award which was presented by ex-BFPDA Council Chairman Peter Willson on the night.

Photos from the evening can be found on the MCI awards website MCI Awards 2019 Photos
