Useful CBI Guides on “Adapting to Hybrid Working”

26 Mar 2021

“The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we think about work and the workplace, shifting expectations of what’s possible for both firms and employees. While some are eager to get back to normal, hybrid working is expected to be popular when workplaces reopen.”[CBI]

Through BFPA’s membership of the CBI we have been made aware of some very useful guides produced by the CBI on the future of hybrid working (March 2021), which we would like to share with our members.

There are two versions: A “Quick Start” guide (6 pages) and a longer more detailed guide (35 pages)

Click here for the shorter (6 page) guide “Adapting to hybrid working”

Click here for the more detailed (35 page) guide “Adapting to hybrid working”
