AGMs and networking dinner 16 May 2017

28 Apr 2017

This year the BFPA & BFPDA AGMs will be held in the afternoon and followed by a networking dinner in the evening. Our venue is the Ardencote, a 4-star hotel and conference centre set in the peaceful Warwickshire countryside, only a short drive from the M40 junctions 15 & 16. Accommodation will be available on site, and those unable to stay for the dinner will be able to book separately for the AGMs.

Location: The Cumsey Lye Green Road, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8LT
Post-Brexit Q & A Panel Debate
The AGM business will be will be followed by a Q&A Panel Debate:

‘Post- Brexit- Understanding the Consequences and Next Steps’

Senior panellists and experts from the CBI, the Institute of Directors, Chatham House and Bindmans LLP – lawyers engaged to assist the Government on the legal minefield of BREXIT, will be available to take members’ questions and ensure a lively and informative debate.

Networking Dinner with after-dinner speaker Alfie Moore

If you wish to make the most of the day, stay on for our Networking Dinner, and be entertained by our after-dinner speaker. Alfie Moore is a serving police officer as well as being a humorous speaker, writer and broadcaster. In addition to his comedy shows selling out at the Edinburgh Festival, and touring nationally and internationally, he has made numerous television appearances and writes and presents his own BBC Radio 4 comedy series ‘It’s a Fair Cop’.


14:00-14:30 – AGM registration
14:30-17:00 – AGM business followed by Post-Brexit Panel Debate
17:00-19:00 – Relaxation or catch up time at venue. (Access to spa facilities if staying overnight).
19:00 onwards – Pre-dinner drinks, followed by dinner and after-dinner speaker.

For any further information about this forthcoming event please contact Janet Dixon on

