BFPA Yearbook and Members’ Directory 2021 Published
28 Jul 2021
BFPA’s latest Yearbook & Directory 2021 has now been published and has been sent to all members – please let us know if you would like any more copies!
As usual, our Yearbook is packed with expert articles and contains the most comprehensive list of fluid power manufacturers and suppliers in the UK. Published on our behalf by our colleagues at DFA Media, copies of the BFPA 2021 Yearbook have been sent out by post to DFA’s end user database, along with the June 2021 edition of Hydraulic & Pneumatics magazine, thereby promoting our industry and all our members (BFPA, BFPDA, Associates, Colleges and Consultants) to potential customers of fluid power and motion control.
To view a digital version of the 2021 BFPA Yearbook and Directory Click Here