Brexit update

29 Mar 2018

BFPA Continues to engage with the Brexit negotiators through a new Government recognised alliance – EURIS
A personal invitation to all BFPA members!

BFPA CEO Chris Buxton reports on progress made through a new initiative with other sister trade associations in contributing member views into the Brexit negotiations and extends a personal invitation to BFPA members wishing to attend a forthcoming BREXIT Summit on the top floor of the prestigious London Shard.

It has always been a challenge for industry and its trade representatives to gain penetration into the world of political decision makers and associated regulators. However, when they come under so much pressure that they are quite literally, close to being at their wits end the barriers begin to drop and when a professional and well-co-ordinated group of industry representatives provides a possible means of easing those problems, they gain some much deserved recognition. Brexit has certainly placed the relevant Government departments, (BEIS, DxEU and DIT), in a very uncomfortable position and has placed upon them, enormous demands to provide information on topics of which they have little knowledge in time scales which quite simply cause a state of panic. Accordingly, the circumstances were absolutely ideal for the formation of what has become known as EURIS.

EURIS, (European Union Relationship and Industrial Strategy), has a current membership consisting; BFPA, BEAMA, GAMBICA, EAMA, REA, CESA, FETA, covering some 2500 companies across electrotechncial, electronics, renewables and mechanical engineering products.  It has a focus on product manufacturers covered by the Single Market and all the supporting regulations. The member associations have extensive relationships with equivalent European trade bodies, and parts of the European Commission. The Taskforce produces position papers relating to the Brexit process relevant to the manufacturing section. It is also an advisory body for the potential impacts of the changing relationship between the UK and EU for the UK Government, press and manufacturers.

EURIS also issues a weekly economic report to its members based on a tracked set of macro market indicators ranging from international trade and the general economy through to productivity costs and price indices.

To its credit, as a consequence of the professionalism and rigour with which EURIS has been organised it has captured the attention of Government, especially BEIS, and we now have regular Government attendance at EURIS meetings. Even more significant is the fact that the grouping is now consulted by Government on a number of BREXIT related topics as a source of industry opinion and input to the Government negotiations at the highest level. Most recently we have been approached on the EU Rules of Origin – a key issue for manufacturers as the UK leaving date approaches ever faster.

As part of its growing influence EURIS has also developed a joint project with the University of Sussex to analyse the impact on EURIS industries of different scenarios for a post Brexit UK-EU deal. This joint funded activity will commence in March 2018, and deliver outcomes between April and August 2018. The Sussex academics will analyse specific industry data from EURIS members associations and businesses covering the main identified topics:

Rules of Origin, EU notified bodies, customs procedures, standards and mutual recognition agreements and compliance. Plus, other relevant issues that are raised by EURIS industries and BEIS or other stakeholders.


The project aims to:

  • Provide EURIS member companies with unique insights into different Brexit scenarios and thereby help equip them to prepare for different Brexit scenarios. Members will, as a result, be significantly more informed about how they will need to re organise their supply chains to remain competiti
  • Enable EURIS and its members to advise the government on trade negotiations with the EU and others by providing the UK Government with the information required to sign efficient and cost effective Free Trade Agreements including the essential aspects for a successful UK manufacturing base.

EURIS BREXIT SUMMIT – Your personal invitation.

BFPA Members will be particularly interested to hear that EURIS is also hosting a BREXIT summit for European industry representatives. The event is open to all member associations of ORGALIME, ORGALIME partner associations, plus other interested parties representing European industry. UK industry will be represented by companies from the EURIS network and EURIS TA members. Speakers from UK politics and UK academia are expected, plus several UK officials expected to be involved in the UK-EU trade discussions.

Objectives for the event:

European guests will be briefed on the updates of the EURIS 6 principles:

  • EU-UK Regulatory Alignment – keeping changes to a minimum
  • Transition Period – allowing sufficient time for industry to adapt
  • UK Market Surveillance Operations – ensuring that the UK does not become the dumping ground of Europe
  • Frictionless Borders – either as part of the customs union or as similar as possible
  • Trade Negotiations Prioritised – the future trade relationship the highest priority
  • Access to Skilled Labour – Ensuring that foreign nationals can continue to seek and gain work in industry

European Industry to outline its views:

  • ORGALIME to present the overall objectives of non-UK members
  • The views of 3 other TAs – suggested: o The German view – The Irish view – The Polish view

Areas of common concern for UK and EU industry outlined:

  • Rules of Origin – an update on this major issue for all industry
  • Standards and compliance– how the UK will continue to work with European colleagues
  • EU notified bodies – how these might work post BREXIT
  • Post BREXIT regulatory alignment – the role of UK Trade associations and ORGALIME

A plan for joint UK -EU industry activities

  • The expected negotiation program explained
  • The role of EURIS as industry advisors
  • The opportunity for European industry to support common objectives.

The venue and logistics

The summit will be held on the 29th floor of the iconic Shard building in central London.

8th May – Guest reception from 19.30 – 22.00 in the Shard
All guests and speakers invited to join EURIS members. Political speakers will be invited, but networking and private discussions are the main focus of this evening event.

9th May – The Main Summit
9.00 The summit begins
9.00 – 10.30 EURIS update on the 6 principles
11.00 – 12.30 The view from Europe
12.30   Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Areas of common concern and opportunities for co-operative working
15.00 – 15.15 Summary of next steps and planned follow up events

** Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.**

Any BFPA member interested in joining this prestigious and important event is encouraged to contact Chris Buxton on either 01608 647900 or 07787 400747 at any time inside or outside normal working hours.
