New EAMA Industry 4.0 Guide

28 Sep 2022

The Engineering and Machinery Alliance has teamed up with LMAC Consulting to produce a guide to what is often called “Industry 4.0” and to logical and reliable development in the digital age.  The guide also explains SIRI assessment, which provides a standard approach to assessing business needs which is appropriate to firms of all sizes and being adopted in countries around the world.  LMAC which has worked with great success with small and medium-sized manufacturers,

Right now, many firms are focused on immediate challenges of energy costs, skills, materials and component supply and inflation – issues on which both EAMA and LMAC are actively engaged.   But firms are also looking to take a longer-term view.  We invite you to read the guide and would welcome feedback.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Industry 4.0 Guide  OR

