New Members
28 Jul 2021
We are very pleased to introduce two new members: Fortress Interlocks Limited joins the BFPA as a full member and G & Work Limited joins as an Associate member of BFPA
Fortress Interlocks Limited joins the BFPA
Fortress Interlocks Limited is well known in the automation industry for safety gate switches with innovative design, robust engineering and reliability. The company, based in Wolverhampton, has recently joined the BFPA and advocates using dual-channel monitored safety valves to safeguard pneumatic and hydraulic machinery where fluid power is being used, in order to maximise productivity whilst providing the highest level of safety.
Fortress Fluidsentry systems can be retrofitted into existing Hydraulic and Pneumatic based systems to enable the highest level of safety function to Cat. 4, SIL 3, PLe., and can the company provide tailored safety solutions, whatever the fluid power application.
For more information about Fortress please visit the company website:
T: 01902 349000
G & Work Limited becomes an Associate member of the BFPA
G & Work Limited manufactures and supplies safety “whipblock” cables and associated PPE and tools for use on pressurised machinery. The products are innovative for use in the area of pressure protection and have been shown to drastically reduce the risk of injuries. The product is certified and guaranteed by Lloyds’ product insurance
For more information about G & Work please visit the company website:
Or contact Francesco Quagliano on:
T: +44 (0)7554 994244