Yvonne Pearman retires from BFPA

21 Mar 2022

After almost 18 years at the BFPA as Standards Project Manager, we will be saying farewell to Yvonne at the end of March 2022 as she retires from the Association.

Yvonne Joined us on 4 June 2004 and has worked tirelessly to manage and promote the BFPA’s technical standards work on behalf of the UK fluid power industry in her role as External Secretariat on behalf of the BSI.

Her significant contribution has been recognised with her winning no less than two awards. Her first, from the BSI in November 2015, presented by Dr Scott Steadman CBE, FREng, Director of Standards and Shirley Bailey-Wood, MBE, Director of Publishing, was:

“Special commendation is awarded to Yvonne Pearman for her exceptional dedication to, and incredibly high standards, in delivering secretarial services to numerous committees in the fluid power sector.”

The second, followed a year later, when in September 2016, Yvonne was presented with an ISO award from Kevin McKinley, Acting ISO Secretary General and John Sherman, ISO/TC 28 chair:

“On behalf of ISO this Certificate is awarded to Yvonne Pearman, Secretary of ISO/TC 28/WG 12, in recognition of her years of work as Secretary of the hydraulic fluids group and the diligent support she provided to WG 12 during the last couple of years wherein, notwithstanding the fact that effectively no convenor was available, more than five standards progressed to publication.”

When asked, Yvonne commented: “I have absolutely loved the work I have done, the precision involved. It has been an absolute joy to work with like-minded people both here in the UK and internationally to further good practice on a global scale.”

Yvonne’s replacement, Lucy Tuckey will join BFPA as Standards Project Administrator from the 4th April 2022 – more information to follow in later newsletters.
