BFPA Level 1 Hydraulics Vocational Course (HV1)

This BFPA training course is primarily intended for those personnel involved in the maintenance and management of Fluid Power Systems – in short – anyone who is expected to operate and maintain fluid power components and systems at a practical level whilst taking into account safe working procedures.

Who should be considering these Level 1 vocational courses?

All companies or individuals who work at a practical level with hydraulics, pneumatics and electronic control systems when applied to fluid power should be thinking about how these recommendations apply to them. Does your workforce have this basic understanding of the systems they operate, do you as an individual have the qualifications to prove this.

The aim of the BFPA Level 1 vocational course in Hydraulics is to provide candidates with an understanding of where Fluid Power – Hydraulics is used in modern society and its importance in the provision of power and motion control.

Examples of topics covered include:

  • Fundamental principles of all hydraulic systems
  • Hydraulic symbols, pumps, fluid oil reservoirs, actuators
  • Pressure, flow and direction control, contamination control, hose technology, maintenance procedures
  • Recognising component parts of a selected machine and their function
  • Checking accumulator pre-charge pressure and establishing the required level
  • Carrying out hose maintenance on a hydraulic circuit
  • Following established procedures for replacing a hydraulic valve seal kit or a filter element and associated seal kit

Why don’t you take the BFPA online questionnaire to see if you have the fundamental requirements needed to work safely with hydraulics.

The BFPA believes that not knowing is not an option – so test your knowledge today.