BFPA Regional Meeting held at MAKE UK
21 Jun 2023
It was great to see so many members at our West Midlands Regional Meeting at MAKE UK in Aston on 20 June from Cotswold Hose & Fittings, Festo, Hopespare, HydraForce, Hydrasun, Hydroscand, Interpump Fluid Solutions, Manuli Hydraulics, MP Filtri UK, Prevost and Tom Parker.
Good networking, discussions, lunch and tour of the excellent training facilities at the MAKE UK Technology Hub in Aston followed a presentation on BFPA’s current activities by Chris Butcher, BFPA’s Managing Director.
The training facilities and programmes and pathways offered at MAKE UK’s new training centre in Birmingham are second to none, and BFPA will be working with MAKE UK to collaborate on fluid power training opportunities and industry apprenticeships in the future.