CILS have joined the BFPA as an associate member

10 Oct 2016

CILS (Computer Imprintable Label Systems Ltd) have joined the BFPA as an associate member. The company manufactures durable, computer printable labels that perform in all industrial environments.

CILS will work with you to recommend exactly the labels you need: in any quantity, pre-printed or blank, in any shape or size, for any application.

Their computer printable durable labels enable customers within the fluid power industry to easily identify, trace and replace hoses and other equipment as well as helping meet health and safety regulations and supply chain requirements.

CILS also supply everything you need for successful printing including thermal transfer label printers, ribbons and software – just tell them what you need.

A selection of labels available from CILS

To discuss your labelling requirements with a CILS technical representative call 01903 219000

For more information on the company please visit their website
