New Training Initiative – BFPA Hydraulic Self Assessment Questionnaire
13 Apr 2021
March 2021 saw the launch of a new training initiative from the BFPA – its online hydraulics self-assessment questionnaire.
This questionnaire gives anyone working with hydraulics the opportunity to go onto the BFPA website and test their knowledge by answering a series of straight forward multiple choice questions.
The level of hydraulics knowledge assessed is directly linked to the BFPA’s Minimum Educational Recommendations (MERs) which are seen as the industry standard for basic understanding for all those working at a practical level within the fluid power market.
The promotion of safe working practices is a fundamental belief of the BFPA and the development of this questionnaire and the MERs is part of that continuing campaign. The Association firmly believes that all personnel working practically with hydraulics, pneumatics and electronic control systems should have a recognised minimum level of knowledge and understanding of those systems to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them. The Hydraulics questionnaire has gone live on our website with plans to develop separate pneumatics and electronics questionnaires underway.
Individuals and companies alike should look upon this simple online self-assessment as a great starting point towards the building of knowledge and practical skills for working with hydraulics. Making good use of this self assessment will help raise an individual’s skill set and employability, and increase a company’s reputation for employing highly trained, competent staff.
The BFPA believes that not knowing is not an option so go online and test your knowledge today
For further information on all BFPA training courses visit our website or email Karen Gordon-Brander or Martin Kingsbury